Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our little talker...

It seems like Emersan is learning something new everyday. She just amazes us by what she is doing and repeating. She has learned the word "no". Although she has no idea what it means. She just likes to say NOOOOOOOO. She also said "ok" the other day. She was yelling up the stairs for daddy, who was in the shower, and I told her that daddy was in the shower. She turned around and said ok and went on to play with something else. Wow.

She also says DeeDee now, which stands for her friend Aiden at daycare. She will also say "memmy" when asked to say Emmie.

There is never a dull moment with that child.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch!!

Today, we took Emersan to Williamsons pumpkin patch. She had fun walking around and checking out all the pumpkins! She loved seeing the animals too. I have also included some pictures from last year, just to see how much she has changed since last year. Enjoy!!












Thursday, October 16, 2008

Anybody out there?!

Just curious to see if anyone actually reads this or if I am just writing to myself. PLEASE let me know if you do read this. Because if no one is...I can probably think these thoughts to myself and not waste a whole web page. It would be much appreciated!


Friday, October 10, 2008

It's about time!!

I have been trying to blog again, but this dumb thing flagged me for spam?!?!?! It wouldnt let me on here for days!

Anyway, that's beside the point. I'm back now.

Emersan had her 15 month well baby check up today. She is 27.1 lbs and 30 inches long. She has officially tripled her weight now! She is doing well other than the fact that we have to go to a cardiologist, yet again. This will be the 2nd time in 3 months. The first time she went, the doctor heard a heart murmur so that needed to be checked out. Emersan was put through a serious of testing, EKG, ultrasound, and X-ray, but she ended up being ok. The cardiologist heard a small heart murmur but said that it was fairly normal and would come and go her whole life.

Today, the doctor heard it again, but that is not why she has to go this time. Emersan is a breath holder. For those of you that dont know what that is, sometimes when she cries, she passes out. For more information go here www.drgreene.com/21_557.html She has done this for since she was about 7 months. Well lately, it has gotten to be far less frequent but sometimes when it happens, it takes a LONG time for her to start breathing again and for her to fully become herself again. Usually when she passes out, its just for a quick second and then she starts crying again. When she has "bad" spells, it takes a while for her to catch her breath and then she is very lethargic for 15 or so minutes. Very scary. She also becomes pale, clammy, and just not herself. So I told the doctor that and they are going to send her back to the cardiologist to have a heart monitor put on her to test her heart rate when this happens. If they say everything is fine, then she has to go see a neurologist to have a sleep deprived EKG done. Not fun.

I really just ask for prayers for her. I can't seem to handle this as well as I should. Thank God for Dustin because he is calm and can handle this sort of thing much better than I can. I just HATe seeing my baby in these situations. Pray that she grows out of this soon.

Onto a lighter note, Dustin and I finally get to enjoy a date night next Friday. I am beyond excited because it has been a long time since we have been out. First off, I dont trust a lot of people to watch Emersan because of her episodes. Anyway, my mom is coming down and offered to watch her...I do trust her :-) We are excited! We are going to dinner and to see the movie Fireproof.

Oh, and Emersan is beginning to talk so much more now. She loves to repeat what you say...tell daddy to start watching his mouth!! She says so many words, no sentences or anything and really some of the words only a mother would get. For instance, she has this blankie. She calls her "gankie" She will say Daisy for Macie, and good ghoul for good girl. She is so smart. She is just an amazing little lady. Growing like a weed.

Emersan and I went up to MN to visit grandma and papa. We took Emersan to the Mall of America for the first time... I have to get my pictures developed still. Dummy me, forgot my camera at the apartment so my mom bought us a disposable camera. So they probably will suck but thats ok, at least I will have them. I will post them when I get them.

Till next time :-)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My first time...

Posting a blog! I LOVE reading other people's blogs and I thought maybe it would be fun to start one of my own. So bear with me as I learn how to use this thing.

For now, I will just post some of Emersan and her halloween costume. She is going to be a lady bug, like she was last year, but it still fits so why not?!

And some of her last year in her same costume!!